Jun 6, 2023PRESENTING: Sal DeTrane and Jon Evans, Open Minds Strategy & Innovation InstituteEmpactful's Sal DeTrane and Jon Evans present at Open Minds Strategy & Innovation Institute
Apr 4, 2023PRESENTING: FOX SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AT TEMPLE UNIVERSITYSal DeTrane, Empactful Partner, is a Private Equity & Venture Capital panelist at alma mater Fox School of Business at Temple University.
Feb 22, 2022PRESENTING: FOX SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AT TEMPLE UNIVERSITYFox School of Business alum, Sal DeTrane, shared his insights on VC on a Private Equity & Venture Capital Panel at Temple University.
Dec 16, 2021HOSTING: SECOND ANNUAL COMPASSIONATE DISRUPTION SUMMITEmpactful Capital hosted the 2nd annual Compassionate Disruption Summit, focused on the intersection of VBC and behavioral health.